In Save My Thinning Locs (Part 1) we looked at reasons for thinning locs. In this article, let’s look at how we can save them.
Massaging the Scalp
To promote new hair growth and prevent hair loss, massaging your scalp іѕ а great solution. Scalp massages promote blood circulation on the scalp while activating follicles to encourage hair growth. Massaging thе scalp оn а weekly basis with your favourite oil blend increases thе blood flow іn thе scalp. This should be done regularly tо stop hair thinning from getting progressively worse or as a preventative measure.

Manage You, Manage Stress
Set aside some ‘me time’ fоr yoga, meditation аnd/or relaxation exercises tо help combat stress. Just dance like no one is watching!
How about getting an aromatherapy diffuser and relaxing with it on as you fall off to sleep?
Your mind is a powerful place. Try to think positive thoughts and use positive affirmations daily.
Take care of your mental health. Let go of the people and things that no longer serve you in a positive way.
“Every little thing is gonna be alright.” – Bob Marley
Essential Oils
Some essential oils are known to help with hair loss and thinning. You can add these oils to your favourite carrier oil and massage the oil onto your scalp. Essential oils must be diluted with a carrier oil. Here are a few:
- Rosemary
- Peppermint
- Cedarwood
- Lavender
- Clary Sage

Professional Maintenance
Do not “cheat” on your hairdresser/loctician. If they do a good job, stick with them. Constantly switching your hairdresser/loctician rarely ends well and may lead to damaged locs.
Please do not attempt to bleach your locs at home. Self-expression is great and we do this through our hair as well, but it is recommended to get your hair coloured professionally to prevent damage. If your locs are thinning, do not colour them!
Visit your loctician to have repairs done. This is one way of saving your thinning locs.
Scalp Care
Hair grows from the scalp. Therefore, taking care of your scalp is essential for strong roots and healthy hair.
Products can also build-up on the scalp. Detoxing your scalp to remove build-up is just as important as detoxing your hair.
An ACV rinse is ideal for scalp care as it balances the pH of the scalp.
Refrain from using heavy products on the scalp which can clog hair follicles.
Add hot oil treatments to your hair care regimen.

● Don’t cheat on your loctician/hairdresser.
● Do not bleach and/or colour your locs at home.
● Relieve stress by eliminating external sources and working on maintaining your mental health.
● If on any medications causing thinning locs, discuss an alternative or ask for supplementary vitamins to encourage improved hair health.
● Massage your scalp weekly.
● Maintain a balanced diet and drink water.
● Visit your loctician for repairs.